An Entire Conference Devoted to Online Sampling? We Couldn’t be More Excited.
In less than three weeks, leaders from all facets of the research industry will come together to discuss one thing and one thing only: online sample. As the first event of it’s kind, the new SampleCon event being hosted by Federated Sample is a participant-driven conference bringing together creators, technologists and users of online sample to discuss, debate and innovate this core element of our industry.
Illuminas is passionate about ensuring sample accessibility, quality and reliability for our clients on each of our studies, so naturally we couldn’t pass up the opportunity to participate in this event for many reasons:
We get to ensure the client perspective is included in strategic discussions
As one of only a few full-service research providers at the event, we are uniquely positioned to bring the client perspective to the conference. We can make sure our voice is heard and that our biggest needs as users of online interviews are being considered: data quality, rigorous project management, accessibility of sampling data/info, and more. The more we can do to drive quality and innovation in online sampling, the better we can meet our client’s needs.
We get to lead a discussion about what we care about most: research quality
Sample quality and reliability are something we insist upon, since much of our quantitative work relies on the interviewers we source from online panels. SampleCon presents a unique opportunity for us to host a roundtable discussion with both buyers and sellers of online sample to explore sample challenges from both sides of the supply chain, and determine how we can, as an industry, improve our ability to reach high-quality respondents around the globe. More information on our session will be available soon.
We get to meet the creators behind Fulcrum and pick their brains
Federated Sample launched in 2010 and brought disruptive technology to the market research field with Fulcrum, their enterprise-level sample management platform. We’ve been leveraging the platform since 2011 but are looking forward to the opportunity to get a better look at the inner workings of the tool and to meet the brains behind the technology. It’s a good opportunity to better understand their strategy, their future plans and how we can leverage their tool to better serve our clients.
We get to be face to face with sample providers who are participating in Fulcrum
We have worked with every major sample provider out there, but Fulcrum widens the opportunity for us to work with even more suppliers by offering a more efficient platform for multi-sourcing. This is a great venue in which to network with those suppliers, hear their strengths, explore their sample offerings and understand what benefit their participation in Fulcrum can bring to our business.
More than anything we look forward to joining the other SampleCon participants who are committed to innovation in the research industry, and we are thrilled to be involved in discussions and decisions about the future of online sampling. We also can’t wait to see many of our colleagues and partners, and to check out the sights and sounds of New Orleans at the Sunday night pub-crawl! We hope to see you there!