Pricing Strategy & Optimization Research

Pricing Strategy & Optimization

Arguably, some of the riskiest and most impactful decisions a company faces revolve around pricing; which is why we go to such great lengths when designing and executing pricing studies. We recognize the complexity of pricing models; especially as you consider the multitude of factors a research model must account for like competition, distribution strategies, product channels, volume, and price/value perceptions.


Your Questions:

What price should we charge to maximize success for penetration, revenue, or profitability?

How can we balance transparency in pricing and differentiation in pricing structure?

Are there features that we can add to increase the value of existing products?

How can we optimize our product portfolio through packaging, bundling, or new options?


Our Solutions:

Van Westendorp Price Sensitivity Measures

Monadic Designs (A/B Testing)

Gabor-Granger Price Thresholds

Brand-Price Trade-Offs

Options Pricing Models

Discrete Choice Analysis

Conjoint (BYO, Adaptive, & Menu-Based)

Volumetric Conjoint